Thank you for your interest in the Fundamental Reform Network.
There's a solid wall of money around Congress and the White House. The big money interests are inside the wall and control most of what happens there. The rest of us are outside with little influence over how our government works.
The corrupting power of big money interests have "bought" speech and call it "free speech." We citizens have "monetarily" free speech, but we can't afford their kind of "free speech." Our slogan is "We don't have free speech. We can't afford it." That about sums it up. Isn't that what we see in our nation today?
In the best of the American tradition, we citizens need to band together to completely break down that wall of money -- to create such a public demand at the voting booth that their wall of money can't resist our flood. We've got to wash them completely out of the process. Then we need to replace their wall with a levy which can protect citizens and withstand their flood of money.
When you build a levy, it has to be high enough and strong enough to resist any flood they can throw at us. If the levy has a leak or is overtopped at any point, all is lost -- our homes, our jobs, everything we have worked for. It's our turn to be sheltered on the inside, and theirs to be drowning in the flood of the economic collapse they created.
As John Stuart Mill once said: Against a great evil, a small effort does not produce a small result. It produces no result at all." There is a vast evil in our great nation and it is the control exerted by greedy self interest at the expense of the public good. Fundamentally changing that is the primary purpose of the Fundamental Reform Network. We can accomplish very little in the way of any other reforms we need until we first wash them out for good and build a levy to protect ourselves.
We have a plan to do just that and the first step is for you to sign our petition.
We, the undersigned, call on the vast majority of concerned citizens to unite crossing all political divides. To join in “one voice” around this single issue: not just to limit, but to totally eliminate the power of greedy, self serving interest from the governmental process on all levels of government through a single piece of Congressional legislation requiring only a simple majority vote.
We petition our Representatives in Washington to redress our grievances by co-sponsor our legislation breaking the “supposed” link between free speech and the ability of big money to use “bought speech” [which is not Constitutionally guaranteed] to overwhelm the voices of the citizens of the United States of America. And then to press for an immediate roll call vote without amendment. We will accept nothing less from any of them regardless of their party or their other efforts we might favor. This is the necessary first step allowing other electoral reforms designed to make our Representatives responsible to the people who elected them as our founding fathers envisioned.
Even before such legislation is passed and signed into law, we further call on them to act as if it were the law right now. We pledge that we will not vote for any candidate who continues to take large campaign contributions in any form. We will not [re]elect anyone who is not free from big money interests and dedicated to serving the people who elect them.
End Petition
If you agree with these goals, please sign our Petition
If you want to know more about the Fundamental Reform Network before signing, read on. We will often give you a link back to where you can sign at the end of each essay.
Next: The Levy Analogy
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Contact us: WeDontHaveFreeSpeech@hotmail.com
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