Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How the Network Functions


(i) The network has no membership; only Signatories/Signers
(ii)Becoming a "General Signatory" is like signing a petition. It is only an indication of agreement with the Network's principles and goal centered on free speech/campaign reform.
(ii) It exists only as an Internet Networking function for individual and organizational Signatories with the sole purpose of supporting this mutually agreed “body of reforms”-- nothing else.
(iii) This allows both individual and organizational signatories to participate in a way that does not compromise their own organization, membership, fund raising, etc. It does not ask environmentalists to change their focus to universal health care, etc. It welcomes, respects and supports this diversity.
(iv) At the same time it allows all manner of sundry organizations to cooperate in a common effort which is to all our interest and benefit and includes only those issues which make the process by which governmental decisions are created open and democratic.
(v) Becoming a Signatory is not a matter of joining "yet another political interest group" further dividing our attention and support;
(vi) The purpose of the Network is to join individuals and our many existing organizations together in a common cause. We can only do this together.


(i) Becoming a Signatory involves your individual or organization's commitment to support the means and goals of the Network as the critical foundation for all other reform efforts. It is at least similar to signing our petition but in a deeper way that supports the Network which created the petition and a commitment to participate actively in educating others regarding the petition and its underlying importance for removing the corrupting power of big money from the political process.
(ii) Becoming a signatory implies acceptance of the general guidelines such as respecting all involved parties, a desire for the broadest possible inclusion not only those "politically correct” from our personal or organizational point of view as long as they also agree to the principles and goals of the Network...

It is our hope that all signatories will actively use their own skills, talents and contacts to further Network goals.

Become an Individual Signatory of the Network now.


(i) All content is created and edited entirely by individuals and groups of volunteer signatories with any and all participating as they choose and in the degree they choose. Final copy is determined by committees on each plank with final approval of the Executive Committee made up of "Network Founders" to insure that the content is consistent with Network principles.
(ii) Using only volunteer efforts eliminates every possible expense beyond the cost of providing the site, the server and the programming on the site – i.e. there is no paid staff.
(iii) This allows the network to function without the implicit control moneyed interests exert over most decision making processes.


(i) The only agenda is to create an environment which fosters open, democratic, and participatory dialogue...
(ii) accomplished entirely through volunteers – both individual and organizational signatories – to identify, define and propose changes in the process by which public decisions are made...
(iii) to refine the list of reforms and perfect their presentation...most of the remaining work to be done will be determining the other electoral reforms needed to replace big money in the elections process and the actual language of our proposed legislation.
(iv) issues are strictly limited to changing the process rather than dealing with the specific issues and concerns like global warming or campaign reform. The only goals: Public interest decisions determined by merit freed of corrupting interests of money...
(v) to educate signatories, their organizations and the public on these matters of concern...
(vi) to poll the signatories and the public regarding the inclusion or exclusion of issues and their presentation in a continuing refining process...and to encourage their direct input through the comment boxes that appear at the end of each essay
(viii) and then to support the political effort to make this change in the form of a single piece of comprehensive reform legislation [if possible]...
(ix) to create an action alerts: Automated editable letters sent to governmental representatives urging their support...
(x) and more as the occasion and need arise...

Become an Individual Signatory of the Network now.

(e) Becoming an "Organizational Signatory"

Network Communication Through Organizational Signatories

(1) All Organizational Signatories make a commitment to educate their own members on the importance of our underlying issue and to recruit them to sign the Network Petition and undertake other actions as they deem appropriate regarding Network goals vis-a-vis their own organizational focus.
(2)All communication from the Network will be forwarded to each participating group which will -- at their own discretion -- edit them and forward them to their own members and contacts. This approach for disseminating information through members insures that no attempt will be made to recruit their members, to seek funding from them, or to bypass their leadership to present ideas and issues directly to their membership. These aspects of the program guarantee that no one tries to speak for you, “mine” your membership, or seek funding from them. These are very important to allow organizations to join our common effort without compromising their own efforts.This respect for the autonomy of members and their own identity is essential to overcome the natural and appropriate protectiveness which often divide us making coalitions to nearly impossible.
More details are listed in the "become a signatory" section.
(3) With the consultation of others, our founders have created The Network. They have produced the basics of the Network proposal as it is presented here only as a starting point. All Organizational Signatories are invited to participate in creating and refining the materials and ideas of the Network.
(4) All organizational signatories will be listed under appropriate interest categories as appropriate with a hyperlink for their email and/or website address, plus a short description of your organization. This will allow interested people to find you easily. Please repeat the complete information for each individual within your organization whom you wish to receive updates of issues of your concern directly.

1 comment:

  1. Please take the initiative, and participate Americans must Unite America and Restore Democracy!
