Monday, February 8, 2010

Other Ways You Can Help

Make no mistake. We are proposing monumental change which is impossible without the widest public support. The question is: How badly do you want to see this change take place? We believe that we have a unique plan, not just to tinker in some small way with how money buys our government, but to completely eliminate its power from politics. We also have the polling numbers in our favor: 74% of Republicans, 81% of independents and 85% of Democrats already agree with us. We need to reach out and educate this majority to turn opinion into emails to our representatives and votes this fall. It's going to take every one's efforts, but it can be done.

We at the Network are doing all we can to spread the word, but our efforts will be in vain without your own efforts. Below we will provide you with many ways that you can help depending on your own interests, talents and time.

Everything on our website is in the public domain. We will be adding graphics, and all sorts of prototype letters, fliers, signs, etc. Feel free to use any of them as they are or adapt them to your specific purposes.

One thing every one can do: click the Facebook button at the bottom of each essay you visit and then click the back button to return to our site. Each click is counted and raises our position making us easier to find for others.
Use your imagination: Everyone has their own unique talents. Ask yourself, “If this were my very own project, what would I do?” Please do make the Network your own.

In everything you do, please be sure to convey how others can find our website.


Read our materials: Become well versed in the concepts and supporting arguments so that you can better present the FRN in language that is your own.

What young adults and minorities can do

What organizations can do

Become a signatory

Add your ideas in the comment box at the bottom of each essay as you read them. If something strikes you in the first paragraph, write your comment right then while the idea is fresh in your head. Help make the FRN your own. We will consider your ideas in our revisions. [Clicks count and raise our profile.]

Practice your “elevator speech:” Using the first paragraph of our introductory letter, revise it in your own language and familiarize yourself with it so that you can be ready to describe our goals in a few words.

Print out and carry you elevator speech and have it available to hand out.

Host a party or other event centered around our goals.

Public libraries, schools and civic centers will often offer meeting rooms free of charge for public events .

Petition drives: Take our petition to your church, organization, malls, etc. Don’t forget to forward the results to us so that we can load the signatories on the national site -- in the form of an Excel spread sheet so that we can enter the information on our site.

Ask your own organizations to become signatories of the FRN – particularly your local political parties.

Write intro letters addressed to special interests – like unions [see model for ideas], ministers, or teachers – explaining why the FRN is in their interest. Google the subject and send the letter to every person or organization you can identify.

If you write a great letter, send it to us and we will consider posting it for others to use as a model.

Contact your representatives directly: Attend your representative’s town meetings or go to their local field offices.

Write letters to the editor

Contact the political editors of your local media urging them to write about the FRN, especially if you form a local group or hold a meeting.

Ask your newspaper to list free public service announcement of your meetings.

Contact talk show hosts, especially public access shows, and ask them to do programs on the FRN.

Buy our logo banner [when it becomes available] or make your own signs and make it available locally to anyone who will use it in public.

Attend rallies and events like Earth Day using our logo and slogan to draw attention.


People with public speaking abilities: Create your own speech and offer to speak at civic organization, rallies, your church, political events, etc.

Banner, Sign and Yard Sign makers: Take it on yourself to produce them and offer them for sale. The Network’s “non-structure” does not allow us to do this, but we could make your contact info available through the Network to increase the size of your potential market.

Editing: Reviewing our material to sharpen the language and concepts and to help us soften language which limits the support of the widest coalition – e.g. blaming Republicans, or all wealthy people, etc.

People with video skills: Help produce the “We don’t have free speech” video.
Internet skills: Introduce our materials in chat rooms, blogs, Facebook, etc. to spread the word.

Legal skills: Examine our idea to use legislation as opposed to a Constitutional Amendment and advise us. Even if legislation would be easy to “change back” or be overturned by the Supreme Court, it is still the easiest place to start gaining support. If a Constitutional Amendment becomes necessary we will at have educated and built the support Network to push that through. Help edit our proposed legislation to be in the appropriate language and to include the legal concepts necessary.

Website skills: We need lots of help getting our website up. Volunteer to help design and refine it especially the controls to implement the safeguards for signatory organization we describe, create appropriate hyperlinks within our material and with our signatory organizations, and to load up signatory names as they join us… Offer your skills and ideas to create the best website we can have. Rough out the ideas behind the National Elections website included in our election reform material.

Contact us:
Annotated Table of Contents:

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