We Don’t Have Free Speech. We Can’t Afford It
Thank you for your interest in becoming a signatory in support of our effort to completely change how money affects the way our governments do business in favor of citizens, not corporations. Only together do we have the power to make such fundamental change possible.
Becoming a Signatory of the Network is a deeper level of commitment than merely signing the petition or sending in an action alert letter. We have many suggestions how you can use your own talents, skills and interests to support our effort in ways that are comfortable to you. So the Network will make no attempt to tell you what you should do. You are only making a commitment to find your own way to make our voice heard.
Becoming a Signatory also implies that you have read through the materials below and agree with the guiding principles and goals of the Network.
Becoming a signatory of the Fundamental Reform Network does not imply your agreement with all of the content of every educational essay contained on our site, but only your general agreement with the major plank of Free Speech/Campaign Reform.
Becoming a signatory does not make you a “member” per se. We are not a separate organization and seek no funding, but are only a Network designed to frame public issues, to make them available for educational purposes, and to encourage support.
Under no circumstance will signatory's information be given or sold to any business or organization.
Initial instructions until available on a website:
Organizational signatories, please scroll down to the organizational section. We encourage individuals of national prominence and particularly those with relevant knowledge to use the organizational enrollment. We consider you as equal to an organization.
If you have come to believe in the importance of the Network's program as the best and perhaps only way we can accomplish our common goal to get big money interests out of politics, we encourage you to consider becoming involved with others who share that concern and to work together to present that interest in the clearest, most comprehensive way possible.
All organizational signatories will be listed on our site under appropriate interest categories. It will include a hyperlink for your contact email and/or website addresses, plus a short description [limited to 50 words] of your organization. This will allow interested people to find you easily. Please repeat the complete information for each individual within your organization whom you wish to receive general updates and issues you check.
Please note again, all correspondences from the Network will be sent only to your organization, not to your members who identify your organization when they sign up or when they contact the Network directly identifying your organization. If you create a recruiting program for the Network on your own website, you will forward only their names to us which will be flagged with your organization and then added to the central list of supporters. This central list is essential to our “one voice” concept to show the entire growing national support in one place. This leaves you in control of what you choose to communicate with your members.
Organizational “Founding Signatories”
Becoming a “founding signatory” [subject to the approval of the Executive Committee] allows your organization to participate in the committee[s]you check below. Please only choose subjects for which you already have significant knowledge and expertise to bring to the table. This gives you the opportunity to advance your organization's interests in the widest possible way. It involves the commitment necessary to work with other committee members also versed in your field to formulate the best possible presentation for that part of our program.
We will forward to you the contact information for other organizations becoming “founding signatories” so that you can communicate with them directly and decide how you will organize your committee to create the content of that section of our program [subject only to the approval of the Network Executive Committee for compatability with our overall purpose and goals.] Your organization will be prominently displayed at the top of your category list as a founding signatory with your contact information.
Applicants for a position on the Fundamental Reform Network Executive Committee requird significant individual and/or organizational name recognition. The Executive Committee will have final approval of all programs and content to insure that they conform to our guiding principles. This position will require significant time.
General Signatories
We wish to become a “general signatory.” A general signatory is merely endorsing the general goals of the Network. While it does not involve a commitment to be involved in the creation or refinement of the content, you may 1) forward your suggestions and comments for consideration, and 2) hopefully incorporate educational materials about the Network with your own organizational efforts.] 3) Have your contact information listed on our site.
1)After you read through this section, click the "Click here to email the Network" button. [This will not work until we have our website functioning. Meantime, open your own email and click "new email"
2)For ease, copy>past our Network email address in your address box
3)Enter “Become an Individual Signatory” in the Subject box.
4)Copy>Paste the marked section below into the email text box
5)Fill in your information and click send.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for joining with us on important common goals.
Fundamental Reform Network Founder, Richard S. Galloway, founder
Begin copy here...........................
Please identify whether your choose to be a founding___ or general___ signatory.
Title: [Mr., Mrs., etc.]
First name:
Second name:
End title:
Name of my organization[s]
Your organizational title or function:
Email address
Website Address:
Address line one:
Address line two:
Zip code
Phone number:
I/we wish to become involved in the following --
Fundamental Reform Network___
FRN Executive Committee(see above)___
Website management (computer skills required)___
Graphic Design:___
Free Speech/Campaign Reform___
Progressive Income Tax___
Legal, Drafting Legislation___
Recruiting your own contacts___
Tells us more about your particular interests and skills:
End copy...................
Contact us:
Annotated Table of Contents:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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